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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

fact geek

so i know this is geekish but i recently downloaded an application on my ipod touch called "cool facts". it's got over 9500 facts on it and i found some of it to be quite surprising, and somewhat cool. here are a few of the better ones.. go ahead, fill your brain with useless information!

- china has more english speakers than the u.s
- coffee beans aren't beans - they're fruit pits
- in india, people are legally allowed to marry a dog
- baskin robbins once made ketchup ice cream
- there are 206 bones in the human body
- the population of the earth has more than doubled since 1950
- clinophobia is the fear of beds
- drew carey once worked at denny's
- richard nixon liked ketchup on his cottage cheese
- 80% of millionaires drive used cars
- george washington grew marijuana in his garden
- sheryl crow's two front teeth are fake
- the taj mahal took 20 years and 20,000 men to finish

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